

    Bates Visits You

    Use the search tool by entering in your US Zip Code or selecting your country/region for upcoming virtual and in-person events. We encourage you to check back periodically as our admission representatives confirm their participation in upcoming programming. The times listed are in the event's time zone.

    Virtual NACAC and Coalition to College fairs are open to the public, and not limited to the location listed. Other upcoming events are offered to students from that school or program. If you would like an admission representative to visit your school or program, invite us by emailing

    Bates partners with other colleges and universities to create additional opportunities to connect with us. Please see our Partner Travel webpage for a listing of joint events!

    Your search for events in or around Germantown, NY returned 102 event(s):

    < 25 miles

    < 50 miles

    < 100 miles

    < 250 miles

    If you'd like to select another geographic area, search again.